UHP Discover Research:
Philosophy of Science

My First Honors Experience
The Philosophy of Science Association is the largest academic nonprofit devoted to the philosophy of science. Our mission is to promote research, teaching, & free discussion of issues in the field from diverse standpoints. We realize this mission by publishing The Philosophy of Science journal, hosting an international biennial meeting, recognizing outstanding scholarship through prizes and awards, and administering programs to increase the equity, diversity, and inclusion of the philosophy of science.
I completed my UHP Discover Research Program under Professor Max Cormendy (Executive Director). Through this program, I got the opportunity to learn how an academic nonprofit operates, from working on day-to-day tasks like managing the website, conversing with members, and balancing the books to researching best practices used by the industry, to discussing innovative marketing and social media strategies; all of which contributed to thinking strategically about the growth of the association in the future.
During this time, I got the liberty to work with the PSA Director, Governing Board, and stakeholders to think critically about philosophy as a practice and brainstorm new initiatives, in addition to getting a feel for the structure and duties of the office.
PSA’s main event in 2022 is an international conference in Pittsburgh, and I will have the opportunity to participate in planning every aspect of the event, which includes everything from proofing and editing marketing collateral to answering questions from participants to working with international scholars and event design and production professionals on this important event.
This experience has allowed me to delve into the field of science, and appreciate its significance and how it affects the field of research, rather than just treating it as a subject.